As one ray from the Central square, stretches the Olha Kobylyanska street – the only pedestrian street in Chernivtsi. The date of birth of the then Molodiya Way, and later the Panska street (i.e. Gentlemen’s), is known exactly: in 1786 at the junction of the Central square and the current Kobylyanska street there was laid the first stone house, and before that at its place there had to be uprooted a lot of tree stumps. At the beginning of XX century the age-old huts were displaced by two- and three-storied stylish stone houses, and the street itself was paved. There still are living Chernivtsi townsmen who remember how the Panska street was washed by the janitors with a water with soap, and a policeman made every “slob” with dirty shoes wipe his soles well before stepping on the cobblestones.
At the very beginning of the then Panska street in 1898, the gorgeous stone building has risen, where the elite “Habsburg” coffee house was allocated. There was founded the “Club of coffee lovers” later, where the esteemed gentlefolk loved to carry on with the conversations on noble topics with a cup of coffee. Such atmosphere facilitated the birth of poets, philosophers and musicians. And this atmosphere bribed Lesya Ukrayinka, who had visited Olha Kobylyanska and first tasted coffee namely in Chernivtsi. The building of the former “Habsburg” coffee house is exceedingly beautiful. Its corner, which enters the Central square, is crowned by a gracious baroque tower, and on the facade at O. Kobylyanska street above the windows of the first floor, the smiling mascarons alternate with bearded and stern mascarons. Today the administration of the National bank of Ukraine is located in this building.
In the middle of O. Kobylyanska street the building of the former Direction of the Orthodox religious fund is situated. Nowadays here the regional history museum is located, founded yet in 1863 – one of the oldest museums of Ukraine. In its fund storages almost 90 thousand showpieces are preserved: the collection of incunabula, including the Ostrog Bible of Ivan Fedorov; a great and well-chosen assembly of ethnographic materials, numismatics, egg painting, everyday life things of the population of Chernivtsi region; a very valuable collection of archaeology memorials and many others.
Beside the museum the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit – the main Orthodox church of Bukovina is located. The first stone into the foundation of the Cathedral was laid on June 1844. The construction was conducted under the supervision of county engineer A. Marin and Vienna architect A. Rholl, and in 1860 the facade of the temple was rebuilt by the project of Josef Hlavka. After 20 years from the beginning of works in June 1864 the bishop Yevhen Hakman consecrated the Cathedral. However, the interior decor works were conducted up until the end of the century. This way, still in 1892-1896 the group of artists from Vienna painted the walls. Built in the style of Italian Renaissance, the temple impresses with its majestic beauty. They say that one of the projects of Saint-Petersburg St. Isaac Cathedral, presented to the bishop Y. Hakman during his pilgrimage to Trinity-Sergius Lavra, was taken as a basis. The dominant of the architectural composition of the cathedral is the monumental dome, 46 meters high. Apart from it, the church is crowned by two more domes, and also by two bell towers at the top of both sides of the facade.
There are several orthodox relics preserved in the Cathedral: the tabernacle with the pieces of the hallows of the Saint Great Martyr Varvara, Saint Great Martyr Panteleimon, reverend Job, the Father Superior of Pochayiv; the carry-out oaken cross with the part of the Life-giving Tree, consecrated in the temple of Christ Resurrection in Jerusalem. In March 2006 near the cathedral the monument to the first metropolitan of Bukovina Yevhen Hakman was erected.
8850854265, 11.01.2022
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